Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Reading upon some commentary on Austin American Statesman, this title intrigued me “Navarrette: Americans should drop the double standard on immigration.” And currently immigration is a huge topic in the parties.

Ruben Navarrette Jr., who writes for Washington Post Writers Group, brings up the topic of illegal immigrants working for contract services. One specific person he talks about is Lou Dobbs, a former journalist who was featured in The Nation that claimed a yearlong investigation finding illegal immigrants help maintaining Dobbs’ multimillion-dollar estates in New Jersey and Florida.  Raising the question on whether or not “Dobbs knew, or should have known, that the contractors he relied on to provide the necessary labor – a south Florida landscaping company and a Vermont-based stable – hired illegal workers.”

Here is the thing; we have millions and millions of illegal people already over the border. And as much legal control we try to place onto it, I don’t think it will change. What we need to realize also, is that us Americans are becoming a minority. And that many other minorities are getting far better equality than most of us do. I’m not being racist at all, or judgmental, I am pointing out that as much as we don’t like it or approve of it it’s going to happen. Take into consideration Ubbs’ issue and who exactly is to blame, Ubbs or the companies that hired them? And if we say that the fault is at the company’s expense what action will be taken? More laws to more loopholes being found and used.

Navarrette says at the end of his article “Americans aren’t serious about stopping illegal immigration. They like to complain about it, at the water cooler, on talk radio, at the dinner table – even on television. Yet they have no qualms about using it for their benefit. They should be ashamed.”

And I would have to agree with Navarette, for many people like your neighbor, your senator and your political look up to may be using illegal immigrants tending their garden or cleaning their house or fixing it. And for all you know, they believe in controlling the border and not letting immigrants in or working. And the question arises again, who is to blame? Everybody should be ashamed I think those who agree and disagree with border control, everyone is at blame. We should not be as contradicted as a society.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welfare money down the drain

In a recent news article by LA Times, $69 million in California welfare money has been drawn out of the state. $11.8 million is spent in Las Vegas at casinos or taken from ATMs, other cities like Hawaii, Miami, and Guam money is spent as well.

What concerns me the most is that welfare is intended to help the needy that do not have enough money to get by on their rent or clothing for their children. And to find out that my well earned paid money that goes to the government, which then in return goes to someone that decided a bet on a gamble is well worth it.

Robert Hollenbeck, a fraud investigator for the Fresno County district attorney's office said "How can they go somehwere like Hawaii and be legit on aid..they can't...this is money for basic subsistence needs."

It is even mentioned that many Las Vegas casinos block the use of welfare cards in ATMs on gambling floors, which makes the ATM from nearby gas stations easy access to the use of the money. And you would think that the government has control over the where abouts of the money, right? Think again! Investigators who state autorities say are responsible for finding fraud abuse, don't ask questions about whereabouts on a welfare card unless the recipient has been gone for more than 30 days.

What may be the cause of this uproar, according to a state audit last year found that none of California's counties were folloewng up on their recipients to help root out fraud, including matches that list clients ecieving duplicate aid from other states, and those that are ineligible because they're in prison and others that have died.

It's amazing to know that our tax dollars are going to people who sit on their lazy bum and think its okay. Don't get me wrong, not all welfare recipients are like this, there are honest ones, but you have the greedy ones too.

I think from this situation our government can learn something from this incident. I believe if a clearer background check and very active follow-up sessions are done on the recipients, it would help root out the fraud issue and our government would be in a very healthy situation.

NEWS ARTICLE:,0,5787669.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+latimes/news/local+(L.A.+Times+-+California+|+Local+News)&utm_content=Google+Reader

Monday, September 27, 2010


I'm Ashley and this is my blog, here is some more information about me.

I'm 19 and this is my second year at ACC. Next fall I hope to transfer to Texas A&M and major in business administration with a minor in urban design. After that I plan on moving to New York and getting my graduate degree in architectural design at NYU. I have here in the Austin area for over ten years now, and I like to call myself a Texan instead of a Californian. I hope to learn something interesting with government, sinc e it has never been my favorite subject.

This is my blog on my views and opinions about my government and it's fundamental roles. I don't care much for the political parties, considering after i took the political ideology I was categorized as an disaffected typology. I want what is best for the country and to not be fooled. I do not have much political experiences, except for helping my uncle campaign to become judge in Leander, TX. I'm hoping by taking this class, that I will broaden my view of my political stance and understand the morals behind the doors of my government. After taking the current events quiz I scored a 12%, 48% above the public, but 40% below the public as well. I would have to say my father keeping Fox news on in his office 24/7 influences me to keep up with current standings.