Monday, September 27, 2010


I'm Ashley and this is my blog, here is some more information about me.

I'm 19 and this is my second year at ACC. Next fall I hope to transfer to Texas A&M and major in business administration with a minor in urban design. After that I plan on moving to New York and getting my graduate degree in architectural design at NYU. I have here in the Austin area for over ten years now, and I like to call myself a Texan instead of a Californian. I hope to learn something interesting with government, sinc e it has never been my favorite subject.

This is my blog on my views and opinions about my government and it's fundamental roles. I don't care much for the political parties, considering after i took the political ideology I was categorized as an disaffected typology. I want what is best for the country and to not be fooled. I do not have much political experiences, except for helping my uncle campaign to become judge in Leander, TX. I'm hoping by taking this class, that I will broaden my view of my political stance and understand the morals behind the doors of my government. After taking the current events quiz I scored a 12%, 48% above the public, but 40% below the public as well. I would have to say my father keeping Fox news on in his office 24/7 influences me to keep up with current standings.

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